It is read that the Mumbai attackers were regular in their prayers, from the words of the one who was caught alive. I am writing this based on the assumption that this report is genuine.
Being Namazi (those who perform Namaz regularly), how can they even think of killing innocent people? The Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and mercy of ALLAH be upon him) not only asked the believers to be kind towards the fellow being without considering their faith, color, sex, nationality, origin, background, etc. etc., but asked the believers to be kind towards other creatures around us including animals, birds, trees, plants and so on. Knowing all these things, how can someone who claims to be a Muslim can kill someone without a genuine reason? How can they kill innocent people? What is their justification for this?
This is just because they only know the principles of Islam and not aware of how to practice it in real life. There lies the importance of knowing the Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and mercy of ALLAH be upon him), knowing the way he lead his life and asked his fellow Muslims to lead their lives, knowing how he treated his fellow beings irrespective of their faiths and the things he asked the followers to uphold in their lives. These killers just know some principles and they seem to lack the importance of learning how to implement those teaching in life. They might not have paid attention to learn the way The Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and mercy of ALLAH be upon him) and his fellow Muslims lead their lives. It is an important part of the Islamic faith to have love for The Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and mercy of ALLAH be upon him) and thus those who claim to be Muslims should adhere to his teachings and advices. So those Muslims who really follow him can never ever become a killer who kills innocent people, instead they would be working for preserving peace and harmony in this world, then only they can claim to be Muslims or can be called Muslims. These attackers never represent Islam or Muslims.
This is the reason why protecting the lives of the fellow beings has become a duty of the Muslims. They need to do whatever they can in order to stop such people from doing such heinous crimes in our country or anywhere in the world. We should never feel any sympathy towards them since they are the enemies of humanity and eventually of Islam, I would say, since they are misinterpreting the principles of Islam and causes the people of other faiths also to think that Islam advocates extremism and terrorism which is completely outside the fold of Islam. This is the reason why the Muslim scholars of our country had the courage to denounce and work against such anti-social activities ( because they understand very well that it is against Islam which give them strength to speak against that for fear of ALLAH, The Almighty LORD of the worlds.
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